Charter Districts
Graduation Statistics
Average Class Size
Average Teacher/Student Ratio
Outstanding Academic Progress
The Classical Academies continue to elevate standardized test scores, showcasing consistent improvement in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math State Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) results. Notably, many students have met or exceeded these rigorous standards. This progress extends across diverse student subgroups, highlighting our commitment to inclusive academic success.
Amidst prevailing educational challenges, The Classical Academies’ students persist as engaged learners, demonstrating remarkable dedication and achieving notable success. For a detailed overview of our academic results, explore them here.
Smarter Balanced (SBAC) Scores: 2023
Rising Stars: A Look at Our Star Renaissance Test Score Success
Students take Star Renaissance Math and English Language Arts (ELA) assessments annually in the fall and spring. These assessments are used to support students and determine growth in learning. In spring 2023, 70% of students scored at or above the ELA benchmark, and 81% scored at or above the Math benchmark. The data shows that the median growth was 57% for ELA and 55% for Math. Typical median growth is 50%. These scores offer valuable insights into student progress and are utilized as a snapshot of a student’s progress year over year.
Empowering Remote Learners for Success
The Classical Virtual Academy serves students who prefer or require to learn remotely. The program accommodates diverse students, providing a robust virtual classroom experience for students in grades 1-12 two to three days per week.
Using innovative tools, teachers create engaging remote classrooms to engage students while integrating social opportunities, such as lunch hangouts, community meetups, clubs, and more. The virtual setting actively engages students to participate in school wide activities, field trips, and scheduled conferences. With comprehensive support, virtual students achieve or surpass grade-level standards on statewide assessments.